Developing Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (AMS) Tools for Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) Applications
POP: 24 mths
Sep. 2017 - Sep. 2019
Role: Co-GTM
Dates Involved: Sep. 2017 - Nov. 2017
Duties: Project Conception; Project Procurement; Scope of Work; Project Management; Deliverable Review and Acceptance
In order for CAV applications to be deployed, state and local transportation agencies must first be able to effectively and fully quantify the impacts of such deployments and identify which application best addresses their unique transportation problem. AMS tools provide an efficient means to evaluate transportation improvement project prior to deployment. In fact, the FAST Act dictates utilizing AMS tools "to the fullest and most economically feasible extent practicable" to analyze highway and public transportation projects.
Current AMS tools are not well-suited for evaluating CAV application due to their inability to incorporate vehicle connectivity/communication and automated features. Guidance on how these AMS tools can be extended to evaluate CAV applications is non-existent.
Example of detailed traffic simulation
The objectives of this project are to: (1) develop AMS tools for the most prominent CAV applications; (2) incorporate these tools into existing AMS commercial products, improving the state-of-the-practice; and (3) conduct real-world case studies (practical implementation scenarios and real-world transportation networks) for the most prominent CAV applications - to better understand their impacts and deployment strategies methods.
Project Management
Stakeholder Engagement
Identification of CAV Applications and Case Studies
Catalog of Existing Data Sources​
Identification of CAV Applications and Case Studies
​Model Development Plan​
Develop Data Requirements​
Develop Model Development Plan
Develop Data Collection Plan
Model Development​
Selection of CAV Applications​
Collect Data (If Required)
Develop Model Algorithms/Logic
Validate Model with Use Case
Conduct Case Studies
Develop Case Study Descriptions​
Develop Template for Case Study Report
Conduct Case Studies